Monday, March 26, 2012

I say goodbye...and you say hello...

Goodbye phenobarbital! Woohoo! We are officially done with this nasty stuff that Isaiah so enjoyed spitting right back in my face. Today Isaiah received his very last dose of phenobarb, his seizure medicine. He has been seizure free since being in the NICU and we certainly pray and hope it stays that way! There is, of course, a chance that he might develop seizures during puberty but I trust God that He will spare us from having to deal with any!!!

On another note we soon will be saying hello to a splint, remember that thing I showed a picture of in one of my previous posts? Yep, one of those. It'll help Isaiah keep his thumb in the right place. Nancy, his PT, ordered a referral for the OT to do the measurements and order the splint so we'll soon set up the appointment for that. I have a feeling that just as it has been with CIMT, Isaiah won't like it too much at first. But whatever helps my baby! And what a poor baby he has been for the past 2 days! Not sure if he's just teething or actually getting a cold but he's been miserable. So miserable that he won't sleep til I lay down next to him. He'll put his hand on my face to make sure I don't leave! While I do enjoy the extra snuggles, it makes getting stuff done even harder than it already is. Sooo, I've been trying everything to trick him! Placing him in the crib with me halfway holding onto him so the transition is smoother, putting a pillow next to him to give him the illusion of someone being next to him. It all only lasts so long.......and then he cries, heartbreaking cries until I'm next to him. Needless to say, I've been trying to fold the laundry for the past 3 just ain't happening. I can always do it tomorrow.

Tomorrow is going to be one interesting day. Joseph's going back to work, well he hasn't exactly been off but his security clearance was suspended due to a glitch in the paperwork so he wasn't able to do much. It was kind of a blessing in disguise. It gave Isaiah the chance to have PT without his sister trying to take the  equipment apart and Nia had some precious daddy time. She LOVES her daddy (why wouldn't she, she knows exactly how to work him! He won't admit it though) and that's the problem! Every morning she walks through the house yelling "daddy, where are you?". Tomorrow will be the first day in a while that daddy won't come home til the afternoon. I'm dreading the thought of it! Plus, tomorrow will be the first day without the meds! So wish me luck! Alright, let me get my self to bed, I desperately need some sleep! Night y'all!


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