Remember I told y'all about how Joseph and I were discussing getting a dog? Well, are going through with it. Saturday we went to the animal shelter here in Minot, it's a nice shelter with awesome staff. I had checked the shelter's website several times and we went in with the plan to see 2 dogs in particular. Looking at all the different dogs we saw Maxwell, a 2 year old stray, Schnauzer Terrier Mix. There went our plan. Maxwell is nothing what my husband had in mind but he seems to be everything we need. The kids got along with him well, he didn't care about Isaiah pulling on him, in fact he was fairly excited about those new playmates! Joseph loved him and he loved Joseph right back. He didn't even move from our side when the door opened and stayed open. No, he stayed right there by our side. He needs obedience training and we need to nip the nipping in the bud, yeah, I just came up with that. Like it? Anyway....but other than that sounds like a perfect story, right? Unfortunately we're the second application. So that puts a damper on it. The shelter does look at each application, they call the reference (you have to give at least 2) and take other things into consideration, for instance owning the home and having a fenced in yard are good. We don't own, since we live on base, but we do have a fenced in yard. And we've been coming to spend time with him every day they're open. Mainly so that if we get to bring him home, the transition will be easier. I'm not exactly sure when they will make the decision, from my understanding they were in the process of calling references. I will however, keep you updated.
Til then, love,
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