sooooo as some of you know I like to get crafty here and there and I have made things for myself, my kids and friends before but always in a small scale. A lot of my friends and family members have been telling me to turn it into more of a profession and sell my creations. However, I've never felt professional enough to make it a profession, lol. After getting more and more positive feedback and a few orders I've decided to just plunge in at the deep end. I've created a Facebook page. You can find it HERE. It's still at the beginning stage so please be patient with me. If this goes well I will probably change this blog's name and create one for my crafts called Love, Mimi. This one is not so much about me anyway....
So, as for my page, once we hit 100 likes I will give away an infinity scarf to one of the people who have referred others to my page. On top of one of the "fans" new and old has the chance to win a rice heating pad as well. So hop over to my page and like it if you haven't done so already and refer as many people you know. Tell them to let me know you sent them. We're only 14 likes away!!!
Now to Isaiah, we had his PT evaluation and as we already knew he's doing very well. But Joseph and I noticed that his balance is a bit off with him falling at least 3 times a day and always to the right side. Well, the evaluation showed he tends to put more weight on his left leg when standing so the right leg is in fact affected although just like the hand only mildly. We'll be working on him putting weight on both legs somewhat equally now. We may also start doing CIMT (Constraint Induced Movement Therapy) again. I've contacted another mom from our CHASA group who makes a Hug Me sleeve. We don't want to cast Isaiah but constrain him for a certain time a day so he will have to use that right hand. She's currently working on some improvements but once she's approved the prototype we will get a Hug Me sleeve from her and I will share with you how it works etc. I've also talked to the Health Tracks Program. Isaiah will see a doctor to evaluate him for anxiety. We suspect he may have some mild issues but they also could be age related. If that's the case then we'll gladly take that but we'd rather be safe than sorry so we'll have him checked. I'll keep you updated on that as well.
Oh, on another note, my friend Ally entered her fabulous dining area in a Christmas Photo contest. Would you do me a favor and go vote for her? The link is HERE. It's that beautiful dining table with the burlap table runner. It should have her name on it: Ally Schmidheiser. Thanks!
As always, thank you for following!
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