What a busy start in the new year it has been!!! Isaiah's 15 months appointment on the 2nd (details later), preparation for Nia's birthday party, the party Saturday and Max's vet appointment today....
About Isaiah's 15 months appointment: Some of you may know that he's been struggling with what was diagnosed as eczema. You also know that I had a dermatologist in Germany look at it and Germans differentiate between eczema and atopic dermatitis, which she believes it was Isaiah really has. Once we were back here, the ped assured me he had eczema and to keep treating it that way. Well, after fighting for almost 6 months now, I finally got a referral for a dermatologist!!! I still think we need to see an allergist but at least it's a start. Other than Isaiah's weight issue he did outstanding though. My kids will never fit in with the American weight charts, the average American child has an entirely different diet than my kids, lol. It's ok though, their complaints go in one ear and out the other....
With Nia's birthday being a week after Christmas and right after New Year's Day, planning it is always a pain. Ordering supplies and favors is usually out of the question because of shipping taking longer or being more expensive with the holidays so close and with this lovely town being quite limited I usually resort to making a lot myself. This year I didn't do as much, partly because the location was a bit pricey (our usual location is closed due to renovations leaving almost no other options) and I didn't have much time. Maybe I shouldn't have had Nia pick the theme either, lol. She wanted a Minnie Mouse party (but without all the pink since there were going to be boys. We wanted red, yellow, black and white instead, like the original), so I went to Walmart where they had these awesome Minnie Mouse bubbles, ring pops and lollipops that were reasonably priced and came in bigger quantities than some of the other favors. However, I wanted to have some Mickey items for the boys that were attending and for some reason everybody and their mother must have had Mickey Mouse parties because Walmart was ALL OUT of they matching Mickey stuff. So to Party City I went, only to have the same dilemma. AHHHHHH!!! I ended up getting Minnie/Mickey stampers, note pads to stamp on (duh!) and a few pieces of candy. Plus, I had picked up Mickey ears that I was going to add bows to for the girls. Those went in the favor bag too. I was going to make each set of ears but the pre-made ones were cheaper.
All you need is:
- Mickey ears ($2/4 @ Walmart)
- ribbon $1.97 @ Walmart
- hot glue gun
- jewelry wire (optional)
I cut the ribbon in 9 inch strips, glued the end together and after pinching the center to make a bow fastened them with some wire.
I then covered the wire with a smaller piece of ribbon that I wrapped around and glued on the back. I cut them 2 inches long but a tiny bit shorter would have worked too. Last, I glued the bows on the ears, right in the center. And voila, you're done!
Well, I was done after 11 more...
Nia's I made from a black headband, felt, foam and a bow so she can use it for dress-up later on. I used these instructions: http://www.thesuburbanmom.com/2010/06/16/how-to-make-mickey-minnie-mouse-ears-for-a-party/
Here she is, in her birthday outfit. She picked it herself.
Max wanted to be in the picture too. I had planned on making her an outfit, I already pinned ideas, but her choice worked well and was probably cheaper too. It's from Walmart ;)
We already some 4th of July Mickey T-shirts from old navy but this is a cute and easy way to make your own using stencils and bleach!
I also made place mats for the kids. I used polka dot napkins from Walmart to make the bows. The card stock I got at Hobby Lobby and I used a dinner plate and a small bowl to trace the circles. I attached the ears on the back of the big circle with a glue stick. Easy peasy!!
The boys didn't mind having a Minnie place mat, they thought it was clever that the bow was a napkin. Unfortunately I forgot to take pics of the table set up before the guests arrived, which was also cause I didn't have time, haha. Here are shots of our guests, you can see the tables so you get the picture. How awesome is it that the Youth Center had red chairs which went perfectly with our color scheme!
We were in the art room so decorating was a bit limited, here are Nia's balloons. They were supposed to go behind her chair but Isaiah didn't leave them alone and made one pop so we put them on the food table.
Nia picked her cake herself and I decorated the cupcakes we ordered from the commissary because Joseph wanted Oreo frosting.
I used oreos and mini oreos to make the head and ears. For the bows I used 2 heart shaped sprinkles (good thing Valentine's Day is around the corner!) and attached them with a dab of red writing gel. I also got red and white polka dot cupcake liners for the Minnie cupcakes and red ones for the Mickey cupcakes.
Nia had a blast and so did Isaiah. He had to take a break from all the partying:
Nia has been wanting a car, no not a toy, a real car. A Ford Mustang Shelby GT to be exact! She threw a major fit at the car dealership last year but I just don't have $40.000 laying around. So I had looked into the power wheels version, it was around $400 once you customized it. Better than the real thing but still a bit pricey!!! I found a Mercedes Benz SUV power wheels when I went Black Friday shopping and got it for $89 (would've been $79 if my dumb behind had not left the coupon in the car!!!!!). That had to do it. Besides, we gotta keep up the German influence in this family, haha.
Did she like it? You be the judge!
She loves having Isaiah next to her and I love that she likes to share it! There's too much snow now for her to drive it outside and Joseph's attempt in her driving down the hallway didn't work out so well. - I'm not planning on fixing any damage in his house when we PCS so I told him NO! - We will probably make room in the garage one weekend so she can drive it. If you're looking for more ideas for your kid's Minnie/Mickey party check out my board on Pinterest!
Hope you enjoyed my post! Thanks for reading!!!
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