I know I've been MIA for a bit. Well, I stayed off the computer for some days and only accessed the internet with my BB so blogging would've been a pain in the tush! Plus, I was in a weird funk for a few days, I was actually almost going to blog about it but then caught myself and decided not to give this funk any power by speaking those negative words into my life. Instead I reminded myself of all those wonderful things I can be thankful for! Now, I'm out of this funk (YAY!) and doing my happy dance. Why? you may ask, well, here's why:
As you all know the auction went fabulous! Never would I have imagined to get such a great response. I so appreciate all of you participating! And thank you all for your generous donations as well! You have no idea how much it means to me! Y'all seriously had me in tears for a few days! We've also mastered our first week without seizure meds without any issues! Isaiah has rolled from his back to his tummy and is starting to get on all fours! He's still struggling since his right arm gets tired faster than the left but he's working on it hard!
But that's not it! Thursday, just when I thought this week couldn't get any better, I received an e-mail from CHASA. We got approved for a scholarship to attend the family retreat in July this year!!!! I am so excited about this! See, here in ND there are no support groups, getting information on Pediatric Stroke is not easy and so this the ultimate chance to get firsthand information from families that have gone down the same road we're going to travel. With upcoming family obligations this summer in GA and Germany, paying for this trip would not have been impossible but very difficult. Just as most families with a child with special needs we are a family with currently one income and that makes things a little more difficult. However, I still have a HARD time asking for help. A seriously hard time! So, I didn't want to apply for a scholarship thinking I don't want to take away from families who may need it more than we do, cause believe me, there are plenty of families who have to pay for their child's therapy out of pocket, families that are truly struggling. Everyone kept telling me to apply though, so I waited until the deadline was almost here. And I still told them I don't want to take away from families in need. Lord, I promise I'll get better at accepting help! Anyway. I'm so looking forward to attending this retreat! What I'm NOT looking forward to is the drive!!! Ahhhh! It'll be an entire day's drive by myself with 2 little ones! Unless, I can find a cheap plane ticket (pretty please Lord with a cherry on top!).
So, that's it for today. I need to get back to sewing Nia's Easter dress, I know, Easter is tomorrow. I was supposed to have it done but as usual things didn't exactly go as planned....but now worries. It'll be done within an hour! Yep, it's that easy! No, I'm not saying that cause I'm such an expert, I so am not. I just make easy things look fancy, lol. It's really that easy. I'll show you when it's done ;)
So happy Easter everyone and thanks for all of your support!
Ah, so that is what the retreat is for! I'm glad you are getting to go and are asking for help! You are just as deserving as anyone else, don't feel guilty! Can't wait to see Nia's dress. :)
ReplyDelete:) Thanks!!