There's one thing I most certainly cannot stand, ignorance. BUT sometimes ignorance sure is bliss. Like when Isaiah is completely oblivious to the fact that his leg just gave in for the 5th time tonight. Let me just say Isaiah had a pretty tough day yesterday physically, well, maybe I had a much tougher day witnessing it than he did. Most of you who have followed us from the start know that the Hemiplegia causes Isaiah to pronate his right foot A LOT and he trips and drags his foot towards the afternoon. We usually start the day out just fine. Most people can't tell he had a stroke even after I tell them about it. Only when I point out to them what they need to look for, they are able to see. Well, not so yesterday. When Isaiah woke up he was already pronating a lot and started to drag his foot. Throughout the day it got worse and worse, and there was nothing I could do, he doesn't have a brace that could support his foot, and he most certainly wouldn't let me carry him with all the other kid running around. He was posturing his arm a lot too. Towards the evening his leg gave in several times, he was barely able to stand without his leg bent. It was extremely hard to watch.
The only thing that helped me fight back my tears was the fact that Isaiah wasn't in the least concerned, he seemed completely oblivious to his handicap. He continued to run, fall, get back up and run again. We know about his stroke, the Hemiplegia, him falling more than others. To him, it's all he's known, yes it was worse than usual and I'm sure he was aware of it. But he's had to work a little harder since the day he was born, so to him it was just another challenge he tackled, and he succeeded. To him it was a success because it didn't keep him from doing the things he wanted to do. I am extremely proud of him but at the same time, my heart breaks seeing him like that and knowing things could be different. I called his physical therapist this morning to give her the update and hopefully she will be able to set up an appointment with orthotics. I have no doubt that God has healed him and that it's just a matter of time til we will physically see it. We've seen him go from pretty much paralyzed in his right side to using his right hand as his assisting hand so well that people can't tell he had a stroke. This may look like a setback but I'm certain it won't be long til Isaiah will amaze us yet again. In the meantime we will do whatever it is God wants us to do to help him get there.